Orlando Seo Audit Services


Local SEO audits are necessary for businesses in Orlando to ensure their online visibility and optimize local searches. This helps to engage more local customers and to improve your online visibility in search result pages. Here are some important factors which are necessary for an SEO audit.

On page Seo

Reach out relevant with high search volume focusing on Orlando audience intent. Target locations in your title and meta description. For example, if you are running a business of car detailing, so the title could be “Orlando car detailing services”. Add at least one-time keyword in your meta description.


Use headers to enhance your readability and break your content. Include relevant keywords in your headers. Always use H1 in your title and from H2 to H6 use in subheadings.


Create user-engaging and informative content which addresses the interests of users and targets your specific area. Write informative and proper content which enhances your local search visibility. Integrate local events into your strategy.

Loading Speed

Loading speed is a crucial factor while doing an SEO audit because it directly impacts user experience. Slow loading times can frustrate users, especially on mobiles. Users like fast-loading websites because slow-loading websites increase your bounce rate. Google considers website loading speed to be a ranking factor.

Orlando Seo Audit Services

How to Evaluate During an SEO Audit

You can use different tools in SEO audit for analyzing responsive design and loading speed

  • Responsive Design Testing Tools

Google’s Mobile Friendly is used to see how your website performs on different screen sizes.

  • Website Speed Testing Tools

Google Page Speed Insights and GTMetrix can analyze your website page loading speed and identify areas for improvement.

Website Analysis through Screaming Frog

Screaming Frog is the best tool for SEO audits and website analysis. It can crawl your website and identify technical SEO issues. This process involves entering your website’s main URL into Screaming Frog. When you enter the URL, you can initiate the crawl process. During the crawl process, Screaming Frog analyzes your website pages and finds technical errors regarding response codes, external linking, and internal linking.

Orlando Seo Audit Services

  • URL Structure: Check for clean and SEO-friendly URLs.
  • Title Tags and Meta Descriptions: Identify missing, duplicate, or long/short tags.
  • Headers: Analyze H1 H2 tags for proper usage and keyword optimization.
  • Content: Detect duplicate content and thin pages.
  • Images: Identify missing alt texts and large image files.
  • Internal Linking: Review internal links and ensure they are logical and beneficial for SEO.
  • Response Codes: Check for 404 errors, redirects, and server errors.
  • Page Speed: Integrate with Google PageSpeed Insights to analyze loading times

Generating Reports

You can generate reports with screening frogs after crawling your website. You can gain valuable insights to improve your SEO. Here is how.

Export Data

Screaming Frog allows you to export the crawl data in various formats, such as CSV or Excel spreadsheets. This makes it easy to analyze the data in more detail using other tools or spreadsheets.


Screaming frog does not provide you  any recommendations about your website’s technical issues. The export can give you some ideas on how to identify and address problems.

Also Read: Orlando WordPress Security Services


We will identify technical SEO issues, evaluate on-page content for local relevance and improve mobile core web vitals and the loading speed of your website. On the basis of comprehensive data, we will suggest actionable recommendations that can significantly enhance your website visibility and user experience. Contact us today, and let’s get started on your journey to local SEO success.